Dad Days: Day 1-2

It has now been 2 days since Shasta’s dad, Mike, has started helping us finish up the house.  Mike and I have been hammering out some long days, and we still have a few more ahead of us.  Tomorrow, Shasta will be joining us on her weekend to see what we can get done!

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Do you know why they call it a “Saws All”?

I think we shall dub Friday as, Mike Day.  Yesterday, Mike showed up at the house, saw where we were at, and got to work.  What does Mike need to get to work?  Well apparently just a hammer and a crowbar.  We decided to backtrack, and even though I will not use my sweet Back to the Future Photoshop job I used a few posts ago, I will say that the clear sky window/ridge line was in Mike’s crosshairs.  With a trusty flat bar and a hammer he tore gutted the framework of that window, while I worked on removing parts of the roof so that we could access it easier.  Mike spent a good part of the day fixing some of my older mistakes, while I spent most of the day running to Lowes, Ace, and the lumber yard, picking up whatever Mike needed.  By the end of the day, we had fixed what we could with the window, and added any/all additional framework/nail boards we would need to install the siding.

Again, today, we hit the ground running. After adding a few nail boards I missed yesterday, and fixing a few wiring anomalies that were beyond my skill level, we started taking a crack at the ceiling.  Getting the insulation to stay up while we were installing the 1×6 panels proved to be a bit challenging.  By the end of the day, we figured out how to wedge the insulation in there as we went to get it to stay in play just long enough to get the paneling up.

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Keep your chin up, Insulation, you’ll be a house soon!

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Finished product: Day 2

By the end of the second day, we had finished the ceiling in the living room area, and it looks great.  We have yet to stain or paint the siding, because Shasta and I cannot make a decision on what to actually paint it, or how we want it to look.  What we do know, is that the 1×6 paneling looks fantastic. and whether we stain it, or paint it a color, it will be structurally rigid and look how we want it to.  As far as installing the paneling, I definitely could have done it on my own, but Mike has been doing this for so long that he has such a better eye for this.  It will look so much better having him leading the way on this, I cannot wait to see how the rest of the house looks!

We have Mike for 2 more days, let’s see what else we can finish!

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